How Abigail got free money from HelpingPoorPeople dot com

This video shows the application for free money and the thank-you message from Abigail in America to HelpingPoorPeople dot com.



This is what Abigail said in the video: Hello, my name is Abigail Ramirez. I am 22 and …um I am from the United States. Um… and I am a content creator.

The reason I put in an application is because my electricity is going to get turned off tonight and um… I need 500 Dollars or yeah 500 Dollars to keep it on and um… I have nowhere else to get the money, so I really really …really need some help. Yeah!

THANK-YOU VIDEO – In her appreciation video, she said: Hi, I am Abigail Remirez. I am 22, from the U.S. And Em… Helping Poor People has made a huge difference.

They sent me some money I was able to actually get myself some food because I haven’t eaten in a few days. Um… But, they are legit.

They are extremely helpful and they are willing to work with you and help you get whatever it is that you need to get.

And I am just so thankful and grateful for the money that they’ve sent me and for the work that they do because you know…

Abigail concluded her appreciation video by saying “It’s a big… it’s a big deal. It makes a huge difference in a lot of people’s lives including mine. And so, I am just very grateful and thankful for them.“

Abigail is from the United States, and she is a content creator. Unfortunately, she had financial issues. Hence she reached out to us for financial assistance.

We are glad to have been able to help her to meet some basic financial needs. Unfortunately, we received some criticisms for sending money to Abigail.

Some of the criticisms pointed to the fact that Abigail is still very young while others claim that she is from a well-off country (The United States of America.) Therefore, she ought not to have received any financial help from us. Please, let us know your thoughts about this issue.



  1. I just want to know if she was getting ready to take her bath when the video was recorded. Also, why could she not switch off her radio or TV while recording such an important video? It shows a nonchalant attitude.

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