The video above shows the application for free money and the thank-you message from Cintya to HelpingPoorPeople dot com.

This is what Cintya said in the video: Hi, my name is Cintya Retnoningtyas, I’m from Indonesia and for now, I’m jobless.
Due to the pandemic, I lost my job. Now I really have no money to buy food. I also don’t have money to pay rent.
I don’t get help from the government because I’m overseas. My family can’t afford it. I’m currently an orphan.
So I’m in a lot of trouble. People around me are also having a pretty tough time. So I can’t ask for help from them.
Now I also keep trying to get a job, but very hard to get because many businesses are closed during this pandemic.
I ask for help from you so that I can buy food and pay rent for the next 3 months. Hope things get better soon.
Thanks for all the help that will be given. This is my room where I live for now, and I must pay for rent for now and three months.
I hope I have money to survive. This is my room because I don’t have anything for now, so please help me. Thank you.
THANK-YOU VIDEO – In her appreciation video, she said: Hello, I’m Cintya, I am 34 years old from Indonesia. Thank you good people who want to help and care about my financial problems.
I have received help from you. Currently, I am still applying for jobs in various places.
I have… I hope to get a job soon, so I can improve my finances and help others.
But, right now I still need your help so that I can pay for my boarding house and buy food, as well as transportation money looking for job.
I am grateful that I can buy food for the next few days. But I have not paid for the boarding fee.
Cintya concluded her appreciation video by saying: “But, I am very grateful for the money I received today. thank you for your help.“
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
This help is worldwide
God bless y’all behind this
I will like to visit Indonesia after the pandemic is over. Any possibility of meeting Cintya?