This video shows the application for free money and the thank-you message from Beatrice to HelpingPoorPeople dot com.
This is what Beatrice said in the video: My name is Nansubuga Beatrice from Uganda, 31 years old. I am working as a village health promoter, volunteering.
So, if I get this money, I will start up a business of boutique and baking. I will buy an oven and also help other members in my village.“
FIRST THANK-YOU VIDEO – This is what Beatrice said in her thank-you video. “Hello everyone, my name is Nansubuga Beatrice. I would like to thank you for your support. Thank you. Thank you very much.
These people, they are really… I really appreciate! They… they have done a good work for me and they have sent me some money. And that money, I am going to use to buy food for the people who are suffering in my community. Thank you.
SECOND THANK-YOU VIDEO – In her second appreciation video, she said: “Hello, my name is Beatrice Nansubuga from Uganda. I really want to thank you for the second part of the money that has been sent to me. I really appreciate it.
Beatrice concluded her appreciation video by saying: “Thank you very much, and may God bless you, and I hope God will give you whatever thing you want. I appreciate it. Thank you very much.“
We are glad to have been able to help her to meet some basic financial needs.
One petite Ugandan comedian came to the US a few years ago. I’ve forgotten her name.
“I really want to thank you for the second part of the money that has been sent to me. I really appreciate it.” It is good for people to appreciate the good deeds done unto them. Well done Beatrice.
I respect people like Beatrice who voluntarily go to work knowing that they will not get paid.