The video above shows the application for free money and the thank-you message from Natalie to HelpingPoorPeople dot com.

This is what Natalie said in the video: Hello my name is Natalie Reyes and I’m from the Dominican Republic but I reside and was born in New York, The Bronx.
I am unemployed and actively looking for work. It is very tough.
Um… My mother has kicked me out when I was 17 and I have been house hopping through friends.
Um… friends letting me stay at their places for a certain amount of money or a certain amount of time.
I really do need help financially. And I’m scared that I won’t find a job as soon as I would like, and that I will have to go without the necessities that I need.
I need financial help for lot of woman’s sanitary stuff and for rent, for when I have to pay my friends or if I am able to find a home or pay my friends for shelter.
THANK YOU VIDEO — Hello my name is Natalie Reyes. I’m 22 years old and I’m Dominican. Thank you guys so much for sending me money.
It really does help me a lot and I’m really glad that I was able to reach out to you guys. You guys are a great organization and I’m really happy that you guys are doing something that benefits people of lesser um… financial stability.
Natalie concluded her appreciation video by saying “And it’s amazing what you guys are doing, and I hope you guys keep on going and strive for the best! And thank you guys again. I really appreciate it.“
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
Some parents are just so heartless. I thank God for you Natalie.
Hope I’m lucky very soon
God bless you ma
May Allah reward you
Great video
Very awesome video
More blessings ma
Thanks for your kindness
Sweet baby, feel free to househop in my bunk. You will not pay a dime.
What did she do wrong before her mother decided to kick her out of the house?
From the thiumbnail, she looks like a ghetto girl but listening to her talking, she sounds reall sympathetic.
Natalie, sad to hear that your mother kicked you out when you were 17 years old. I know there are lots of opportunities in America. How is life in the Dominican Republic? Is it a nice place to live in?