How Ronke got free money from HelpingPoorPeople dot com

The video above shows the application for free money and the thank-you message from Ronke to HelpingPoorPeople dot com.



This is what Ronke said in the video:
FIRST APPLICATION VIDEO – Good morning, my name is Olaore Ronke Rafiat. I am a Nigerian, mother of two. I need a… I need a financial assistance to start a business in order to support my family. Thank you. God bless you. I am really grateful.

SECOND APPLICATION VIDEO – Good evening. My Name is Ronke Rafiat Olaore. I am 39 years old. A mother of two. I am married. My… I come from Nigeria and I am a graduate. I graduated in 2009, about 11 years ago. I read Mass Communication. I am a graduate.

My husband is also a graduate, but we couldn’t get the job we read. We are underemployed. My husband is earning 18 thousand Naira. I am earning 15 thousand. We are working in a private school, and in a private school, they are not paying as… they are not paying us as it ought to be.

The amount we are earning per month is 33 thousand Naira. 18 plus 15 is 33 thousand Naira. That 33 thousand Naira can not buy a bag of rice in Nigeria. The bag of rice in Nigeria is 34 thousand Naira.

Talking of other foods, other food items like beans which is over 40 thousand Naira per bag. Oil, palm oil thirty something thousand Naira per keg. Groundnut oil and other things as well. And the gas, the gas we are using to cook, per kg is 700 Naira from the filling station. For 3 kg that we fill, we spend like 2 thousand plus. Two thousand, one hundred. And that 3 kg can not take us for a month.

The cost of living is high in Nigeria. I am not only the…I am not only… It’s not only me that is in the shoe. There are other poor people that are in the shoe. When I see the opportunity on my phone, I decided to apply that you should help me financially in order to start up a business and to live a good life. For somebody to.. We can not meet up with three square meals a day.

We are feeding on two square meals – morning and evening. Even the evening is like garri and groundnut. Not the good food. We are not eating on what we actually want, on what will take us to the… to have a strong life. But we are feeding on what is available based on what we are earning in Nigeria. Now, the electricity is nothing to write home about. Look at what we are using to power the light, the light in Nigeria. No light.

The electricity is not stable. And the water, there is no portable water. We are managing um… what is it called? Well water. Not portable water. The people that are enjoying Nigeria are majorly politicians. If somebody is not a politician, you can not enjoy life in Nigeria.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Look at… look at me and other graduates outside. We couldn’t find good job to do. We are managing what we are seeing. And my kids. These are my two kids.

They are sleeping already. I would have asked them to say hi and greet. I have two kids (two boys.) They are already asleep because it is already night. When I saw the message, I decide to reply as soon as possible. So, I will be very much happy and grateful if you can help me so that my life and my family would be better. God bless you. Thank you.

THANK YOU VIDEO – Thank you so much. I really appreciate your assistance. I saw alart of 50 thousand Naira in the afternoon today around 2:30 pm, Nigerian time. So, Helping The Poor People, I am very grateful for your assistance. After all, you don’t know me. You really assist me.

I am so happy and appreciate your effort. May Almighty God continue to help you, to assist you, and answer, and grant your prayer. May Almighty Allah make it possible for me to be able to assist others. Please, I would implore you to please… I will be very much happy if you can assist me in starting up a business for the family so that I too or we too will be able to help others.

And I really appreciate everything you did right from the beginning. (I um we…) I wish other countries like Nigeria especially could be doing like this to help others all over the world. And I pray that when I too become great, I will help others too. (The Poor) Helping The Poor, I will actually follow your trend.

I really appreciate you. May God bless you. Please, I will appreciate it if you can help my family to start up a business. The business that I said earlier. Thank you so much. May God bless you. Ebony, thank you, I really appreciate. My children want to say thank you. Ummm… Say Thank You! Thank you, Thank you very much. My husband too want to say thank you so much. We really appreciate your assistance.

Ronke’s husband concluded their appreciation video by saying: “We are so much grateful. How I wish every leader of every country is like you people. I never believed it will come when she told me. I just asked her to just follow her faith. We really appreciate you. Thank you so much. Thank You.“

Ronke later added another Thank-You Video in which she said: Good Morning, my name is Ronke Rafiat Olaore, and I am from Nigeria. I am 39 years old. I want to appreciate the… I want to appreciate Helping The Poor People dot com. Thank you very much for the assistance rendered. May Almighty God bless you. My children want to say thank you. THANK YOU. God bless you.



  1. Those kids sleeping on the floor need to be helped. Ronke, I’d love to have your details so I can send you some money.

  2. She said If somebody is not a politician, you can not enjoy life in Nigeria. Very ironic way of talking. I think she was trying to say if you’re not a politician, you can not enjoy life in Nigeria.

  3. why is it that the woman could not smile throughout the video. her husband did not even talk for one minute but you can see him smiling. even the children smiled while saying thank you.

  4. It’s rather unfortunate that these two graduates are underemployed. Not getting the right job after spending years in going to school can be so sad and frustrating.

  5. This looks like a united famiy. The boy fondling his daddy’s beards shows that he feels very free being around his dad.

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